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Emergency Preparedness

Student safety is at the forefront of all decisions made at DISD. Planning and preparation is the key to handling any type of emergency whether the emergency is due to natural causes or other situations. The district has a comprehensive safety plan in place at each building and campus. Each campus has a notebook that outlines proper response procedures for any number of emergency situations. Schools follow daily procedures to keep their campuses safe, including requiring visitors to sign in upon arrival and having students and staff report suspicious people or activities.

DISD is in constant contact with local law enforcement agencies and receives updates from the Federal Bureau of Investigations. We will take any recommended action deemed appropriate in the face of any specified threats. In the meantime, it is our intent to follow the President’s lead and continue with our daily business of caring for and educating the children of our community.

In the event of an emergency, parents are encouraged to listen to local radio and television stations for information about this district. DISD will contact local media as to the status of campuses. Parents are to listen to one of the following television stations: KIII-TV (Channel 3/Cable 5) 361-986-8300, KRIS-TV (Channel 6/Cable 7) 886-6100,KZTV-TV (Channel 10/Cable 12) 883-7070.

Information will also be posted on this website.