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Required State Postings

Internet Postings Required for School Districts


State and Federal Laws from time to time mandate information to be posted on a school district's website.

The requirements vary widely as well as the locations where these items might logically appear.

The links below will direct you to the required posting information if applicable to Driscoll ISD.

Adopted Budget

Annual Financial & Compliance Report

Audio & Video Recording of Open Meetings

(Government Code 551.128)

School Districts with an enrollment of 10,000 or more are to post a video and audio recording of each regularly scheduled open meeting. The recording is to be posted not later than seven days after the recording of the meeting and is to remain on the district's website for not less than two years after the recording was first made available.

(HB 283, 84th Legislative Session). 

This does not pertain to DISD.

Bill of Rights for Property Owners

Board Employment Policies



Campaign Finance Reports

(Election Code, §254.01011) Required of members of board of trustees and candidates for the office of school board trustee for school district located either wholly or partly in a city with a population of 500,000 or more, and with a student enrollment of more than 15,000. The campaign finance reports must be posted online not later than the fifth business day after the date the report is filed with the school district. The posting provisions apply to campaign finance reports that are required to be filed on or after January 1, 2012, under HB 336, 82nd Legislative Session.

This does not pertain to DISD.

Check Register & Aggregate Payroll Amount

OPTIONAL: This is one of the requirements for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts' transparency award program. This was previously linked to one of the indicators in School FIRST. 

This does not apply to DISD at the time. 

College Credit Programs

(Texas Education Code, §28.010(b))

This does not apply to DISD at this time.

College Prep Placement Tests

(Texas Education Code, §29.916(c))

This does not apply to DISD at this time. 

Conflict Interest Disclosure Statements and Questionnaires 

Cost & Metered Amounts for Utilities

District and Campus Improvement Plans

Federal Grant Award

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) School districts and open-enrollment charter schools that receive federal grant awards totaling more than $25,000 and contract awards totaling more than $550,000 respectively, directly from the federal government on or after October 1, 2010, must report certain information, including a description of the award and, in some instances, must also report the total compensation and names of the top five schools officials. A report will be due by the end of the month following approval of a federal grant or contract, and must be updated when there are changes to specific information on file. The new reporting requirements do not apply to federal awards that are passed through TEA (because TEA is covering this reporting effort for federal funds that pass through TEA.) School districts and open-enrollment charter schools are responsible for initiating their own process to ensure compliance with the FFATA reporting requirements by following instructions provided by grantor agencies other than TEA.

This does not pertain to DISD.

Financial Transparency

(Local Government Code, §140.008)

A political subdivision, including a school district, is to post an annual report that discloses information on outstanding debt and for each debt obligation, in addition to other specified fiscal information. The district is also required to disclose per capital debt information. The district’s credit rating is to be reported in addition to any other information considered to be relevant or necessary to explain the amounts disclosed by the district. Section 140.008, Local Government Code, is specific about what debt and fiscal related information is required to be disclosed. Also, the Comptroller of Public Accounts is authorized to implement rules relating to select statutory provisions. HB 1378, 84th Legislative Session.

Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2017 Debt Report

Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2018 Debt Report

Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2019 Dept Report

(Government Code §1201.0245)

When proposing to issue capital appreciate bonds, a political subdivision, including a school district, must post certain information about the proposed debt, in accordance with Section 1201.0245, Government Code. The information must be updated periodically to ensure it is current and accurate. HB 114, 84th Legislative Session.

This does not pertain to DISD. 

Graduation Plans

(Texas Education Code, §28.02121(b))

Notice is to include information provided by the TEA on benefits of various graduation plans, levels of achievement and endorsements. Published information is to be in language(s) parents or legal guardians are most proficient for language(s) that at least 20 students in a grade level primarily speak. Effective beginning year 2014-2015.

This does not pertain to DISD.

Group Health Coverage Report & Plan

(Texas Education Code, §22.004(d))

The annual report submitted to TRS and a copy of the group health coverage plan. 

This does not pertain to DISD, as the district participates in the TRS Health Plan.

Homeless Students

(Texas Education Code, §33.906)

Districts are to post information regarding local programs and services, including charitable programs and services, available to assist homeless students. This requirement applies to school district that has an enrollment of 3,000 or more and is primarily located within a county with a population of 50,000 or more. HB 1559, 84th Legislative Session. More information about Homeless Students can be found under the District tab on the HOME page by clicking Health Center.

Immunization Awareness

(Texas Education Code, §38.019)

Post in English and Spanish: a list of immunization requirements and recommendations, a list of health clinics in the district that offer influenza vaccine and a link to the Department of State Health Service internet website providing procedures for claiming an exemption from requirements in Section 38.001, Education Code. This requirement can also be found under the District tab on the HOME page by clicking Health Center.

Job Vacancies

(Texas Education Code, §11.1513(d) (1) (B))

Post vacant position for which a certificate or license is required or post the position at certain physical locations in the district. Ten day notice of a vacant position requiring a certificate of license. This requirement can also be found under the District tab on the HOME page by clicking Employment. 

Local Wellness Policy

Each district must establish a local school wellness policy for all schools participating in the National School Lunch Program and/or School Breakfast program under the jurisdiction of the district. The local school wellness policy is a written plan that includes methods to promote student wellness, prevent and reduce childhood obesity, and provide assurance that school meals and other food and beverages sold and otherwise made available on the school campus during the school day are consistent with applicable minimum federal standards. 

C.F.R. 210.31(a)

Notice of Accreditation Status

(Texas Education Code, §39.054(a))

This notice is to remain on the district’s website until the rating is raised to “Accredited” status. The notice is to explain the implications of the status and steps to be taken to address the deficiencies identified by the TEA.

Accreditation Status

Accreditation Status Guidance 

Notice of Corrective Action

This requirement does not pertain to DISD. 

Notice of School Board Meeting

(Government Code, §551.056(b)(3))

Requires a school district to post notices of meetings of the school board on the school district’s website, if a website is maintained by, or for, the district and if a school district is located in whole or in part within the corporate boundaries of a municipality with a population of 48,000 or more. The Internet posting is in addition to any other posting required. The validity of a notice or agenda is not affected by a failure to comply with a requirement under the new section that is due to a technical problem beyond the control of the school district. This language is in addition to the current requirement to post meeting notices on a bulletin board at a place convenient to the public in the central administrative office of the district. Driscoll ISD School Board meeting notices are posted on the Board of Trustees page, on the website calendar, and on the bulletin board located outside the northside door of the Guadalupe R. Hernandez Complex.

Online Message Board

(Government Code, §551.006)

Required if implemented by public school.

Physical Activity Policies

(Texas Education Code, §28.004(k)(1-3))

Physical activity policy by campus level, health advisory council information, notification to parents that child's physical fitness assessment results available on request, vending machine and food service guidelines, and penalties for tobacco product use.  

2023-24 Parent and Family Engagement Plan FINAL

2023-24 Driscoll ISD Parent and Family Engagement Policy-Landscape

2023-24 Driscoll ISD Parent and Family Engagement Plan-Spanish

2023-24 Driscoll ISD Parent and Family Engagement Plan-Landscape Spanish

Pre-Kindergarten Family Engagement Plan 

(Texas Education Code, §29.168)

Requires a school district or charter school to develop and implement a Family Engagement Plan to assist the district in        achieving and maintaining high levels of family involvement and positive family attitudes towards education. 

Proposed Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate

This requirement can also be found under the Business office page on this webpage.  

Public Information Request- Board Members

(Texas Education Code, §11.1512(d))

Required when members of Board of Trustees requests 200 or more pages of materials in a 90-day period. The number of requests and total costs to the school district during the preceding school year in responding to the requests is to be reported.   

Public Information Request

Welcome to the Driscoll Independent School District Public Information home page. Through this page you may gain access to publicly available information that is collected and/or maintained by the Driscoll ISD. The District's public information is made available through the Public Information Act (the Act). The Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Government Code, generally provides that:

 Any person has the right to request access to government records or information All entities defined as a “governmental body” in section 552.003 (1) (A) are subject to the Act Certain information is protected from disclosure by the exceptions in the Act, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), or other law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision

PLEASE NOTE: You will find a large amount of information is available throughout the Driscoll ISD website without making a public information request and/or incurring costs; however, you may always submit a public information request to the District by following the appropriate links on this page.

Request by e-mail: The general public should request information by contacting Dr. Cynthia M. Garcia at:  Requests made by mail or in person:

Attn: Public Information Request, Driscoll Independent School District, PO Box 238,  Driscoll, TX 78351.

Note: The District may require you to provide proper identification to ensure that you have a right of access to any confidential information requested.

Charges for Public Information: Under section 552.262(a), the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is required to adopt rules to be used by governmental bodies in determining charges for providing copies of public information or making paper records available for public inspection. These rules are at Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70 of the Texas Administrative Code. DISD adheres to these cost rules. Additionally, DISD does not charge for PIRs that cost less than $40. If producing the responsive information will incur a cost of $40.00 or more, DISD will provide the requestor an itemized cost estimate and a date when information will be available. All cost estimates will inform the requestor if there is a less costly way for the requestor to access the requested information.

Helpful Suggestions for Making a Public Information Request: These are few tips to assist DISD in processing a request as accurately and efficiently as possible:

    • Your request must be in writing; only written requests trigger obligations under the Act.
    • Include your full name and contact information, including e-mail address (if available).
    • It is helpful to clearly label your correspondence as a "Public Information Request."
    • Be specific and clear in describing the nature and scope of the information you are seeking.
    • Your request should be for information that is already in existence.
    • Governmental bodies are not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or comply with a continuing request to supply information on a periodic basis as such information is prepared in the future.
    • We recommend that all requests be addressed to DISD Public Information Request. Requests made by electronic mail (e-mail) must be sent to  or at the mailing address above in order to trigger an obligation under the Act.
    • If you believe DISD has not responded as required by the Act, contact the DISD Business Office immediately.
    • Please contact Business Office by e-mail at by phone at (361) 387-7349 or at the mailing address above with any requests, questions, or comments on access to records or information.

Reverse Auction Scheduled Internet Location

(Government Code, §2155.062(d))

This does not pertain to DISD at this time.

School Board Meetings

(Government Code, §551.056)

Required if the board meeting notice does not include the agenda and the district contains all or part of the area within the corporate boundaries of municipality with a population of 48,000 or more. 

Driscoll ISD Boardbook

Statement of Public Inspection by SHAC


Summary of Budget

This requirement can also be found under the District tab on the HOME page by clicking Business Office-Budget & Tax Information.

Superintendent's Contract

(Title 19 Administrative Code, §109.1001(o)(B)(i))

The school district is to provide a copy of the superintendent’s contract EITHER as a disclosure in the financial management report provided to the attendees at the Schools FIRST hearing OR by posting the contract on the district’s website. Located in the current FIRST Report (Disclosure in the financial management report.)

Targeted Improvement Plan for Low-Performing Campus Hearing

(Texas Education Code, §39.106, §39.107)

Board to conduct a public hearing on improvement plan for low performing campuses and post the improvement plan on the district’s website.

This does not pertain to DISD. 

Targeted Improvement Plan

(Texas Education Code, §39.106(e-1) (2))

Post Prior to Board hearing on targeted improvement plan.

This does not pertain to DISD.

Tax Rate Trend Information

(Tax Code, §26.16) 

School districts are to provide tax rate information to the County Tax Assessor Collector for the most recent five tax years beginning with the 2013 tax year. The information to be posted by the County Tax Assessor Collector is the following: adopted tax rate, maintenance and operations rate, debt rate, effective tax rate, effective maintenance and operations rate, and rollback rate. This allows taxpayers to go to a single website to view tax rate information for all taxing entities. This requirement can also be found under the District tab on the HOME page by clicking Business Office-Budget & Tax Information.

Texas Academic Performance Report

(Performance Rating of the District

    1. Definitions & Explanations of each Performance Rating
    2. School Report Card

All this information can be found under the District tab on the HOME page by clicking Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability Reports.

Title IX Notice of Nondiscrimination

Local Title IX Coordinators Information:

Dr. Cynthia Garcia

PO Box 238 / 315 W. Dragon St

Driscoll, TX 78351

361-387-7349 ext 8009

Office for Civil Rights

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201

Toll-free: (800) 368-1019
TDD toll-free: (800) 537-7697           

Driscoll Independent School District’s Non-Discrimination Policy can be found in the Staff and Student Handbooks. Located on the district website. under Board Policy or at the below link.




Transition & Employment Guide for Special Education Students

Texas Transition and Employment Guide - English


